WritingElites.net Review

WritingElites.net guarantees clients that they will receive academic papers of impeccable quality that are written from scratch according to custom requirements and are thus plagiarism-free. Besides, the company promises timely delivery of papers, 24/4 customer support, confidentiality policy, and security of data. The company provides a wide range of services of different academic levels and complexities: from high school and college to Master’s and PhD. We decided to review the company in order to provide trustworthy information and facts about the custom writing service to its potential clients. As such, we have investigated the company’s website, looked through the range of services the company provides, explored customers’ feedbacks, and then ordered a paper from WritingElites.net.
The company administration states that they hire writers that have all the necessary qualifications, skills, and experience. Particularly, according to the company’s specifications, writers should have theoretical and practical knowledge in certain research fields. If you are interested in WritingElites.net service and whether it can be trusted, read on our review.
It is really simple to find the whole range of services offered by the company. There is a menu toolbar on the left side of the company’s homepage. A convenient thing is that there is a clear division of services into three sections: custom writing services, admission paper services, and additional services.
On the whole, the company provides more than 40 services and among the most popular ones are essays, research papers, term papers, reviews, reports, personal essays, admission essays, and even speeches. Any student must be able to find what he/ she is looking for.
Apart from ordinary academic writing services, we have revealed that WritingElites.net also provides some special services, such as bibliographies and other papers considered non-academic.
Formatting, Number of Words per Page, Styles, and Spacing
Writers hired by WritingElites.net specialize in a variety of citation styles, such as APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, Vancouver, and others. The words rate per page is 275. It does not sound like a bad offer because there are plenty of companies that offer 250 words per page.
Price Policy
Payments are conducted online through a reliable service PayPal. The biggest advantage is a money-back guarantee as PayPal always helps in dealing with refund disputes. However, one of the discrepancies regarding pricing that we found was that the prices calculated in online calculator and those provided in the pricing table on the website were not corresponding. Particularly, the per page rate for a high school paper is $10 but when we calculated the prices via the calculator, we have revealed that the lowest price is twice the one mentioned on the homepage even if a discount is applicable.
Free Features
- Title page or cover page;
- Abstract page;
- Bibliography page;
- Unlimited number of free revision requests according to the company’s revision policy.
Discount System
According to the information provided on the website, there are two types of discounts: one-time and lifetime. The former is applicable for first-time customers only and it provides a 15% discount. The latter encourages clients to order more and more papers from WritingElites.net or purchase more expensive services. For example, if one spends more than 500 USD on the custom papers, he/ she will get a 5% discount. If more than 1000 USD is spent, 10% of discount will be granted.
Ordering Process
If you decide to place an order, make sure you carefully fill in the order placement form. There you will have to mention all order details, such as the type of writing, the paper topic, the subject, the deadline, formatting and citation style, paper length, academic complexity, and so on. Be sure to provide valid contact information so that the company administration could contact you in some urgent cases.
Our Experience with the Site
We are 100% sure that the best way to evaluate the quality of services a custom writing company provides is to order a paper from it. We set our mind on placing an order of Master’s level that is 10 pages long. A special requirement was that the piece of writing had to be written from scratch as it was required for creative writing. We did not indicate the title of the essay – we gave freedom to the writer. The deadline we placed was 8 hours, which was the fastest time indicated on the website within which the company could deliver a paper.
We were really surprised when we received a completed paper even prior to the deadline (which was really tight). First, we regarded it as a good sign but later we were totally disappointed with the essay content. The plagiarism check software did not find any matching results but later after we manually assessed the paper, we found that the essay was fully copied from a 2015 source. Even though the quality of paper was good, the paper was fully plagiarized, which means that the writer’s work cannot be regarded as individual work at all.
Qualifications of the Writer
The writer did all he could within such a limited period of time. Still, plagiarizing the paper was not a good strategy and therefore it is better to provide writers more time so that they could do quality work on their own.
Usability and Design of the Website
It is easy to navigate the website even for a complete novice. The website developers did their best to include all the necessary information about the range of services, prices, and quality. Moreover, there is a blog section, where students can find much valuable information about different types of academic writing, tips, strategies, and guidelines.
Live Chat Support
A client can get in touch with the customer support service via email, phone, and live chat. The website provides all the information in a clear and understandable form. To test the customer support service, we contacted the agent by phone. We did not wait long for a reply and the customer support agent was polite and friendly.
The company seems reliable and legit. It contains clear information about the terms and conditions, guarantees, confidentiality issues, as well as revision and refund policies. As such, since the information is presented in a clear and concise form, it is recommended to read it carefully to avoid confusion or misunderstanding.
The Company’s Policy of Free Revisions
If you want to send a revision request, you need to click the “Revision Request” button and then send detailed revision instructions to your writer. Keep in mind that the revision instructions should not be different from the originally placed paper instructions. You have seven days after the deadline expiration to be able to send a revision request for free.
Money Refund Guarantee
Clients get a full refund (100% of the sum) of the paid money in the following cases:
- In case of order cancellation before the writer was found to work on your paper;
- In case of an error double payment for the paper;
- If the company has not managed to find a writer who would suit your needs, specialty, and paper requirements;
- If your assigned writer failed to deliver the paper within the set deadline.
70% of money refund is granted if a customer cancels the order when it is already being processed by a writer but when less than half the deadline time has passed.
50% of money refund is given when a client calls off the order and more than half deadline passed. Moreover, if you sent a revision request but the company has not managed to find a writer to revise it, 50% of the total sum will be given back to you.
The Company’s Experience in the Field of Custom Writing
The company has been operating since 2012. According to data Web.Archive provides this company has been in writing business since 2013. It is strongly recommended to maintain transparency regarding such issues as experience and qualifications.
Online Reputation and Client’s Feedbacks
We came across a variety of feedbacks online. There were positive and negative feedbacks alike. The most frequent complaints concerned plagiarism, low quality of papers, problems with getting a refund. The positive feedbacks that we read seemed just too good to be true. In some cases, the company was overpraised.
Advantages and Disadvantages of WritingElites.net
We have conducted analysis of the company’s services based on the usability and content of the website, grammar, and the quality of services we ordered. Moreover, a great role that played in our overall impression about the company was devoted to testimonials, feedbacks, and reviews that we found online. Read further to see what we have got.
Advantages of WritingElites.net
- Responsive, responsible, and friendly customer support team;
- Favorable and attractive discounts and special offers.
Disadvantages of WritingElites.net
- Cases of plagiarism;
- Difficulties in getting money refund;
- Dubious customers’ feedbacks online and doubtful reputation of the company;
- Contradictions in prices.
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WritingElites.net Review
Ollie Adams
I clearly determined the sources the writer should use while composing my paper. He just ignored those explaining that he knows where to find more information. As a result, the professor reduced my grade because I didn't follow all the recommendations.
03 Feb 2019 at 11:38 PM -
WritingElites.net Review
Naomi Howard
At first, everything seemed to be fine with the paper. Then I found out it was about 50% plagiarised. Sadly, I couldn't prove it, the writer paraphrased it well, but my professor would notice it for sure. I couldn't use the paper or get my money back.
14 Jan 2019 at 10:23 PM -
WritingElites.net Review
Anna Glover
I expected my writer would contact me in case something wasn't clear to him. He never did, so I assumed he knew what to do. In the end, he described not all the aspects of the topic. Anyway, I submitted the paper and got B instead of A.
13 Jan 2019 at 1:23 AM