
We move forward with the process of investigating the other custom writing services that gain popularity on the custom writing market. Why we publish reviews? First, it is mainly because many students doubt whether it is safe and reliable to order a paper from a specific company. Second, we want to provide credible reviews that can be trusted by students and other people who intend to order a custom written paper for the very first time. What makes our reviews plausible is that they are based on our personal experience since we always purchase an order before writing a feedback.
This time we have chosen for reviewing. The service is mainly an academic writing database but it also offers custom writing service for people who need help or guidance with academic paper writing. As the company claims, it assists students with writing academic papers of high quality and getting excellent grades. On the whole, the company offers such services:
- Paper writing services from zero according to custom requirements;
- Editing, proofreading, and rewriting of papers;
- Academic paper samples as a way to provide example, guidance or inspiration for students not knowing what to write about.
The Range of Services
Having browsed the website, we have not found a comprehensible and definite list with clearly defined services. The only way to check the availability of a specific writing type was to go to the order placement form and check the dropdown menu of writing types to see what services the company offers.
All in all, there are more than 20 writing services offered by As such, there are all possibilities that you will find the one you need. On the other hand, there are custom writing companies that offer even more than 50 types of services, so customers may be rather limited here.
Formatting Styles + Spacing, and the Number of Words per Page
The words limit per page at is 275 words. The company writers are well-versed in the most widespread citation styles, such as MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago, etc.
Price Policy
The website has a bidding system when it comes to the price ranges. You place an order and the company’s writers bid for your paper and offer the prices for which they can complete your order. You have an opportunity to choose the writer who best suits your major, paper specifics, and, of course, budget.
Still, for some unknown reason, many company writers set really high prices that may not be affordable for an average student, whereas the others keep the prices low, which do not ensure premium-quality work either.
One of the biggest disadvantages is that the company does not have a clearly defined table of price ranges.
The price you pay depends on the deadline you set, the paper complexity, and the experience of your assigned writer. The lowest price is 14 USD per page. The company also has the following package options that grant unrestricted access to paper samples. The costs are the following:
- 19.99 USD for a one-month package;
- 15.99 USD for a three-month package;
- 9.99 USD for a six-month package.
Free Features
There are additional services at but to get them you need to pay extra:
- Outline for your essay at 13.90 USD;
- Abstract for your paper at 13.90 USD;
- Progressive delivery option at 8.99 USD;
- VIP support for your orders at 12.99 USD.
You also have an opportunity to select a more qualified or experienced writer if you need excellent quality of services. You can choose among such categories of writers as standard, premium, and platinum.
Discount System
It was impossible to find at least any information or details about the discounts offered to clients. We wanted to clarify this issue with the customer support team after we have placed an order but we were told that discounts are merely applicable before the order placement. On the whole, we realized that the process is tedious and time-consuming. Still, we were lucky to receive a promo code with a 10% discount after we got in touch with the customer support agent for the second time.
Order Placement Process
The process of ordering papers is really quick and easy. You just click the “Hire writer” button and you are forwarded to the order registration form, where you are required to fill out the paper requirements. You need to be as precise as possible to ensure that your assigned writer perfectly understands the instructions and delivers a top-notch paper. There is also an opportunity to make a money reserve by creating a deposit in your personal cabinet.
Our Experience with the Company
To make sure that our review is based on facts and evidence, we have purchased an order at We have also purchased a one-month package to be able to get free and unlimited access to the paper database. Regarding the free samples, we had no problems: we could really review all of them and see how each paper type is structured and written. Concerning the custom paper, we ordered an essay on a topic dealing with the environment. Despite the fact that it was a really challenging and complicated one, the writer managed to cover the topic extensively and investigate it in detail. Apart from minor issues connected with punctuation and spelling, the paper was overall great.
Writers’ Qualifications
Our assigned writer demonstrated great performance. It was evident that the writer specializes in the environmental topics as each detail and fact that he introduced was just the thing needed. The sources were also credible, peer-reviewed, and updated.
Design and Usability of the Company Website is customer-friendly and easy to navigate even for a complete newbie. You will have no troubles with creating your personal profile or conducting an online money transaction for the order. What is really important about the company is that you can be sure about confidentiality.
Customer Support and Assistance
You do not have a variety of options on how to get in touch with the company support team in case you have any problems. You can contact via live chat, email or by filling in the contact form directly on the website. The biggest disadvantage that there is no option to contact them via phone.
The company does not claim that they hire native speakers of English. The first evidence for that is that they are located in Estonia. However, they have solid guarantees of money refunds in case the final paper does not meet the requirements or instructions. As it was mentioned before, all information you provide is kept in total safety.
Policy of Getting Revisions
Free revisions are available within a specific period of time according to the company policy. Each revision application is solved individually.
Chargebacks are usually made by payment processors or other third parties. The company has nothing to do with them.
The Company’s Experience in the Industry
We were not able to find precise information concerning how long the company operates on the custom writing market at their site. But according to data provided by Web.Archive hey have been in writing business since 2016. Still, it is quite obvious that they are not really popular among customers since the prices are not reasonable and affordable to an average student.
Clients’ Feedbacks
It is hard to tell something specific about the company’s reputation or popularity as the service has been reviewed neither on YouTube nor on Sitejabber. However, there are some feedbacks on the other social media platforms.
Pros and Cons
The company provides blogs and articles on how to write excellent papers deserving an A+. There are also specific tips on how to cope with papers of different types and styles. Moreover, the website contains rich databases with free samples of different academic papers. The overall quality of the provided services is not bad but it could be cheaper.
Advantages of the service
- You can make a money reserve and pay in parts;
- You get professional support from qualified writers;
- You get help from a friendly customer support team.
Disadvantages of the service
You can read only a few pages of the paper sample for free if you do not buy a special package;
- All inquiries are costly;
- There is no price calculator;
- There are no loyalty programs;
- There are no clearly defined prices for the services.
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- Review
Gordon Perkins
I was glad to find essay samples base here and then sadly found out that should pay for the access. I don't want to pay in advance. What if the quality isn't worth my money? What if I won't find anything worthy for me there.
28 Jan 2019 at 7:28 PM - Review
Teresa Norris
According to their site, they are located in Estonia. This means they probably don't have English native speakers among their stuff. Then I don't understand the reason for such high prices. I decided not to use this service after all.
20 Jan 2019 at 11:17 PM - Review
Matthew Ingram
It seems my writer was truly born and lived in Estonia. He couldn't get the point just as we were talking different languages. I sent my paper for revision several times and each time got the same paper not changed at all.
23 Dec 2018 at 1:27 AM